Organizational Culture Focus Area Package
For small law enforcement agencies or study groups this police wellness discussion package is designed for ten people to examine and discuss topics around police wellness and resilience building. It’s perfect for police agencies with tight training budgets, small groups who want to study on their own, or even law enforcement academy classes. Buy multiple sets for larger groups or just purchase additional books.
Learn about the 3 types of culture: a healthy culture, a wellness culture and a courageous culture. Work to build or enhance a healthy culture within your organization and set the stage to slowly create all three.
Once you have created an environment that supports and sustains the wellness of your people, it will become critical to develop an organizational culture that will maintain that healthy environment. Culture is created by people, not posters on the wall. We will challenge you to closely examine what the culture of your organization really is and how it might be nudged toward a positive, people-oriented, wellness focus.
We can help you assess the nature and impact of your current organizational culture
We can help you identify a list of best practices for building a better, more positive culture
We can help you understand why people-focused wellness is a cure all for a bad culture
We will invite you to commit a total of 10 hours, including 3 one-hour zoom sessions with John Marx, toward enhancing, or building your positive wellness-focused Organizational Culture. At the end of our time together, you will have developed an action plan for the implementation for your chosen Organizational Culture enhancement initiatives.