Safe Call Now Crisis Hotline
Safe Call Now provides public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide with a simple and confidential way to ask for help. Staffed by officers, former law enforcement officers and public safety professionals, Safe Call Now is a safe place to turn to get help from individuals who understand the demands of a law enforcement career. These trained call-takers will provide assistance and referrals for any public safety personnel and their families who are experiencing an emotional crisis or desire a need for someone to listen.
National Police Suicide Foundation
The National Police Suicide Foundation’s dedicated mission is to provide training programs on suicide awareness and prevention that establish a standard of care and promote employee wellness for law enforcement, emergency responders and the military. They provide support services that meet the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of law enforcement, on every level, and law enforcement families. They provide support, encouragement, and hope to the agencies and families affected by this tragedy, by helping them to understand and manage the emotional and psychological impact of suicide.
The Pain Behind the Badge
With a combined experience of over 5 decades in the First Responder/Trauma Field, Clarke and Tracie Paris present “Winning the Battle” that is not just a seminar on police or military suicide but an emotional day of addressing the bi-products of police and military stress that when untreated or ignored, can and quite often do, result in suicide. The law enforcement employees and First Responders who attend this seminar hear stories, learn about stress and how it affects their lives, and discover how and where to get help. And all in an attempt to reduce the #1 Cop Killer: SUICIDE. Clarke retired with the rank of Sergeant from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. after 27 years of service, he and wife Tracie who has been a Registered Nurse for the past 29 years lecture about law enforcement stress as well as the prevention of police, first responder and military suicide. Their lectures are given in conjunction with the documentary film they produced and addresses topics rarely covered by other police-related seminars. Clarke is the author of a book on the same topic, “My Life For Your Life”. My Life For Your Life”.
Tears Of A Cop
Tears of a Cop (TOAC) has a mission to make citizens across the country aware of the hidden dangers inherent with an occupation in law enforcement. Unlike the risks of a possible line-of-duty death (which most everyone understands as an unfortunate possiblity on the job), our voice is to raise awareness on the silent killer… suicide. Did you know that research indicates 1/3 of active-duty and retired officers suffer from post traumatic stress, and most don’t even realize it? Tears of a Cop Under Pressure is a website dedicated to stopping the statistics of Law Enforcement PTSD and Suicide. This site is also home of S.O.L.E.S. Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicide
Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention “In Harm’s Way”
IN HARM’S WAY is a federally funded program that offers training seminars and workshops nationally on suicide prevention. This webpage offers a plethora of resources, reproducible materials, articles with varying viewpoints, statistics and opinions from which readers can form their own conclusions on the magnitude of the law enforcement suicide problem, its causes and the best approaches to finding a solution. Statistics are skewed due to the fact that agencies are not required to catalog and report suicide cases and, therefore, frequently agencies do not record suicides as such due to a variety of reasons.
National Police Wives Association
National Police Wives Association (NPWA) is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting law enforcement spouses through various outreach programs, providing resources to those new to the law enforcement community, as well as promoting volunteerism and charity within the law enforcement community in general. They also include an online forum comprised of over 400 active women worldwide – and growing!. They are dedicated to providing support, resources, and friendship to the people supporting our law enforcement officers every day. They are dedicated to helping one another face the daily struggles of being in a law enforcement relationship.NPWA originally started as Police Wives Online (PWO) in April of 2005 with the goal of becoming a national resource and support center for police spouses and family members.
Fallen Officers Remembered They Provide New Bulletproof Vests to Cops
They are committed to raising funds to provide bullet-proof vests to law enforcement officers and K-9’s across America. They a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization dedicated to carrying out our mission of increasing awareness, respect, and appreciation of our law enforcement professionals. by raising funds to purchase and donate bullet-proof vests to law enforcement officers and K-9?s through our National Adopt-A-Cop and No Officer Left Behind programs. They also promote National Police Week in high schools in the Northeastern Pennsylvania region and host programs and events in schools, businesses, communities such as Kids, K-9?s, and Cops. They also participate in and support the “Law Enforcement United Ride”. The organization was formed to create a means to honor those we have lost and protect those still on duty. Their main purpose is to raise or increase respect, loyalty, appreciation, and admiration for those special individuals who are willing to unselfishly offer the ultimate sacrifice: their precious lives; something that many of us never give a second thought or care about. Their mission is simple, powerful, and critical: to bring law enforcement officers home safe everyday.
Wives Behind the Badge
Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. is dedicated to providing resources and emotional support to law enforcement families, and to serving as a positive voice for law enforcement in the community. As the wife of a police sergeant in Southern California, Rose Winick found herself in need of advice and support she could only get from other police wives. She decided to form her own support system by starting an online support forum in 2006. That forum quickly grew to over 200 members from across the nation, Canada, England, and Australia. Over the years, Wives Behind the Badge received numerous requests for financial support and other resources from police families and law enforcement agencies. Rose and her all-volunteer staff were called into action and Wives Behind the Badge became a non-profit dedicated to helping police families across the country.
Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.)
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families and affected co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty as determined by Federal criteria. Furthermore, C.O.P.S. provides training to law enforcement agencies on survivor victimization issues and educates the public of the need to support the law enforcement profession and its survivors. Each year, between 140 and 160 officers are killed in the line of duty and their families and co-workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. C.O.P.S. provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives. There is no membership fee to join C.O.P.S., for the price paid is already too high.
C.O.P.S. Colorado
The Concerns of Police Survivors – Colorado Chapter contributes to the emotional and psychological well being of the surviving family – the most hauntingly difficult aspect of the aftermath of sudden, tragic, often violent, line-of-duty law enforcement death. Colorado C.O.P.S. also believes that a law enforcement death affects not only the surviving family and the agency, but the community as well. They support their activities through donations, a Fallen Hero license plate and many special community events and activities.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is dedicated to honoring all of America’s law enforcement heroes – those who have died in the line of duty and those who continue to serve and protect. That mission is accomplished through the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC, as well as programs such as Officer of the Month, Officer Roll Call and others. Each year, there are approximately 60,000 assaults on law enforcement officers, resulting in nearly 16,000 injuries. Sadly, over the last decade, an average of 160 officers a year have been killed in the line of duty. And throughout U.S. history, over 19,000 law enforcement officers have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Support the National Law Enforcement Museum
The mission of the National Law Enforcement Museum is to tell the story of American law enforcement through exhibits, collections, research and education. The Museum dynamically engages the broadest possible audience in this story in an effort to build mutual respect and foster cooperation between the public and the law enforcement profession. Construction of the National Law Enforcement Museum is ramping up, putting the long-planned facility on track for an opening in early 2015. The 55,000-square-foot structure will be adjacent to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. The museum will take visitors through the history of American law enforcement in a series of interactive exhibits and a collection of artifacts that dates as far back as the early 18th century. Organizers have raised more than 75% of the $80 million project goal and have acquired more than 16,000 historical and contemporary items for planned exhibits, according to the museum’s website. In fall 2012, the museum received a $15 million donation from Motorola, taking the company’s total contributions to the project to $18 million. Museum staff has already begun holding education programs, including the “Witness to History” panel discussions, in which law enforcement officers offer insights into notable events, such as the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Our Juice Plus Site
Juice Plus+ is whole food based nutrition, including juice powder concentrates from 25 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Everyone wants to eat right and maintain a healthier lifestyle but with a busy law enforcement career many of us do not take proper care of our health nor our nutritional needs. Even if you try to eat for good health, a healthy diet is often a challenge. We simply don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. And that hurts our health and wellness. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. Not a multivitamin, medicine, treatment or cure for any disease, Juice Plus+ is all-natural and made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule so you can enjoy improved nutrition and wellness. I’m John Marx the Executive Director of The Law Enforcement Survival Institute and I’ve taken Juice Plus+ for years. I served in law enforcement for 23 years and have been a law enforcement trainer for over 30 years now and i highly recommend Juice Plus+. If you are interested or even curious please visit the site of give me a call.
Support the Public Safety Officers’ Fund
The Public Safety Officer’s Fund has been founded to benefit the families of Police Officers and Firefighters killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty through financial and specialized information resources. PSOF organizes regional and national sporting events giving businesses, churches, and members of the community an opportunity to give back to the families of those who have sacrificed their lives. In partnership with PSOF, businesses, churches and local communities can organize and host sporting events – raising funds from the proceeds of events, memberships, donations, and advertisements. Applications for fund distribution are accepted year round and reviewed by the board of directors which approves the fund distribution.
Police Mental Health Emotional Kevlar for Cops
A blog published by police officer Jeff Shannon who is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist on police stress and other mental health issues. His web site is exclusively for the purpose of education. It is not intended to render psychotherapy or be a replacement for counseling or psychotherapy. Just like with our blog at you should read back to the beginning of Jeff’s blog because he has some great and informative articles. Good job Jeff, keep up the good work!
Law Enforcement Family Support Network
LEFSN advocates for intentional family education & support as a strategy and designed to improve the overall health and wellness of officers and their law enforcement families. They are committed to providing emotional support, education, quality resources,and connections for law enforcement officers and their family members. We seek to maximize current law enforcement family directed outreach efforts, address gaps, and join regional partners to address the full scope of issues that impact “families behind the badge.”
The Unleashing Respect Project
Core purpose is to build and strengthen partnerships between police and their communities, and equip these partnerships to instill safety, confidence and prosperity into our communities. URP does not claim to have solutions to all the complex problems that our country’s police agencies and communities face. We do believe that when high trust relationships, built on safe, open, honest communication and personal responsibility become normative – solutions and resources will become apparent. Their target audiences are members of the policing profession and people who have a sense of concern or even urgency regarding policing in America.
Blue Wall of Silence
This organization was developed to assist officers, agencies, and police families with issues about officer wellness. This site provides numerous articles, resources, and links to other organizations, individuals, and information that may be valuable to you or someone you care about who wears the badge. The goal of Blue Wall of Silence is to provide training and education to officers, agencies, and police families regarding issues facing law enforcement personnel. Wellness is extremely important and the focus should not just be on the physical well-being, but also the emotional, psychological, and spiritual. People are not one-dimensional and should not be treated as such.
Police in Europe
These are the website and blog site of Nicola Zichella a police officer with the State Police of Italy and member of the International Police Association in Rome Lazio Italy. He is also the foreign editor of the apolitic non profit magazine Atlasorbis He together with Mr Fabrizio Locurcio editor in chief of Atlasorbis magazine, a non profit organization for geopolitic security and information, have created the webpage which is a non profit apolitical and independent site with the aim of providing the best possible support for italian police officers by reporting on police news and about policing in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world.
website has long been the main educational web presence for The Law Enforcement Survival Institute. was created to help law enforcement officers successfully navigate their careers and build happy, healthy lives. CopsAlive was founded to provide interactive discussions and stimulate action on the hidden dangers facing the police. We use this web blog for collecting and disseminating information that will help law enforcement professionals have better careers and better lives. The primary focus is on law enforcement fitness and wellness as well as stress management for police officers. Our goal is to help cops around the world survive their careers and live happy and productive lives in retirement.