Armor Your Agency™ Research ProjectArmor Your Agency™ Research ProjectIn preparing this survey an attempt was made to create criteria and benchmarks that any agency, no matter what size, could use to develop or enhance a set of comprehensive wellness support systems. These benchmarks could then be used along with all the many resources created by U.S. Department of Justice through grant funding and research.THE INSTRUCTIONS:You are being asked to answer 20 simple questions about the support systems your agency has in place to grow and sustain your wellness and resilience.This survey is anonymous and is not being conducted for scientific purposes but rather for feedback purposes to help improve the quality of support systems that help all your employees, both sworn and civilian.The questions are based on the 20 Primary Strategies of the Armor Your Agency™ Model Organization Profile, and are being used to help all agencies, large or small, who want to use this standard as a benchmark to improve services to their people. Psychological ServicesWorld-Class Psychological Services programs utilize in-house psychologists who are Board Certified in Police and Public Safety Psychology and are proficient in the four primary domains of practice: assessment, clinical intervention, operational support, and organizational consultation. They work with other wellness and fitness programs to sustain all employees and work to make it safe for employees to ask for help as early as possible when the employees need it. World-Class providers follow a code of ethics and go beyond pre-employment screening and fitness for duty evaluations. They offer proactive annual check-in's, so employees get comfortable with regular psychological support. An Above Average Psychological Services program may not have providers that work for the agency directly, but they are still law enforcement focused psychologists who contract with the agency to provide services. They would be law enforcement oriented and considered "culturally competent" to serve members of law enforcement. They would provide some of the same services mentioned above. Finally, an Average Psychological Services program would utilize licensed professionals who would conduct pre-employment screenings and fitness for duty evaluations but may not be involved in the operational support of the agency's personnel. They would utilize an outside Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that is contracted to provide counseling services to the agency. These providers may not have much experience working with the kinds of traumas that impact our civilian and sworn personnel and may not be considered "culturally competent" to work with law enforcement professionals.How would you rate your agency’s Psychological Services program?* How would you rate your agency’s Psychological Services program?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassProactive Peer SupportWe define a World-Class Peer Support Program as having a trained team that works proactively to check on, and ensure, the well-being of their peers. A World-Class program would operate under a formalized policy, set of procedures and peer support team code of ethical conduct. All team members would have been trained in peer support through a reputable training organization, they would hold monthly in-service training sessions and attend annual advanced training. The World-Class Program policies would make clear the confidentially protections a peer supporter would and would not have and have guidelines for the process to refer employees to a licensed clinician as needed, or when the request is above the peer supporter's skill level. This program would have a licensed mental health professional to clinically supervise and assist the peer supporters and also would have a relationship with some kind of an outside the agency anonymous crisis hotline (Like Safe Call Now, Cop2Cop or CopLine) to give access to those people who are afraid to ask for help directly. This hotline would also serve family members needing assistance for themselves or the employee. An Above Average peer support program would be a team that is active and trained but perhaps is using an outside the agency mental health professional advisor to clinically supervise the program. It would still have a formalized policy and make clear the confidentially protections that a peer supporter can, and cannot, provide. An Average peer support program would not have any mental health professional to clinically supervise the program but would rely on one of the departments leaders who is appointed as an internal team coordinator to oversee the program. This type of team may only provide occasional debriefings after traumatic incidents and isn't proactively seeking out peers who need support.How would you rate your agency's Proactive Peer Support program?* How would you rate your agency's Proactive Peer Support program?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassChaplains ProgramA World Class Chaplains program is proactive rather than reactive in that chaplains and other trained personnel provide regular, substantive infusions of spiritual survival training, equipping officers to be active partners in the process of fortifying and strengthening themselves and their human spirits that are depleted in the course of performing the law enforcement mission. Any Chaplains Program must pass the Lemon Test by having a secular purpose, not advancing nor inhibiting religion, and not excessively entangling government with religion. Regardless of the level, one factor immediately invalidates any and every chaplaincy program: betraying a very important trust by proselytizing and peddling religion in defiance of Constitutional, psychological and moral guidelines. Chaplains must have religious education, certifications or special training in law enforcement chaplaincy, and broad experience, and must adhere to a prescribed canon of ethics. Well-trained chaplains will also have been trained and certified in law enforcement chaplaincy by a recognized provider. World Class Chaplains know that they must convey that their services are available but not mandatory and they can refer to a religious leader from other religions as needed. The Chaplains should understand the chain of command and inform department leaders that they will not break confidentiality, even if requested to do so by an employee’s supervisors. A World Class chaplaincy program would be governed by departmental policy and their duties outlined in a standard operating procedure. A World Class program has staffing available and visible to all employees, on all shifts, and the agency provides regular access to a chaplain, brings a chaplain on-site to make the process of engagement more likely to happen. An Above Average Chaplains Program may not be as formalized but will still be well trained and adhere to the highest standards of the profession while being available to all employees. An Above Average Chaplains Program may be more reactive in nature, both in form and content than a more advanced program. In an Above Average Chaplains Program, Chaplains may be present at certain ceremonial functions and occasions, but otherwise a chaplain is not regularly on-site. The agency may even encourage officers to take advantage of the program and seek out an audience with a chaplain; but while the agency will orchestrate access to a chaplain in response to an officer's request, it is the request of the officer that initiates the process of meeting with a chaplain. An Average Chaplains Program may not have met all the formal criteria for effective law enforcement chaplaincy and may only have one chaplain for an entire department. Nonetheless they would provide emotional, moral, and spiritual support to officers, staff, and their families without proselytizing. It sometimes seems that an Average Chaplains Program exists more in potential than in reality: Chaplaincy services are "on the books," but the agency doesn't necessarily encourage or facilitate it.How would you rate your agency's Chaplains program?* How would you rate your agency's Chaplains program?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassEmployee Mentoring ProgramCentral Washington University defines Mentorship as a personal development relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger but have a certain area of expertise. Think of Mentoring as non-supervisory support that is designed to personally and professionally develop a person as they work through their career. A World-Class Mentoring Program would operate under a formalized policy, set of procedures and would have an established mentor code of ethical conduct. There would be a formal Mentor/Mentee Agreement that details program expectations for both parties and establishes duties and responsibilities as well as frequency of meetings and the term of engagement. All Mentoring Program team members would have been trained in mentoring through a reputable training organization, they would hold quarterly in-service training sessions and attend annual advanced training. There would also be regular group meetings involving all of the mentors and mentees/proteges in one session for training and benchmarking purposes. The World-Class Program policies would make clear the confidentially protections a mentor would and would not have and have guidelines for the process to refer employees to other agency services as needed. This program would have an appointed Team Coordinator who would be responsible for overseeing the program and training and supervising the mentors. The World-Class program would distribute regular mutual evaluations i.e. mentor of proteges and proteges of mentor, as well as establish the process for renewal or termination of the relationship. A World-Class Mentoring Program would start just as a person is hired and would be available to provide mentoring to employees in all areas of the organization, and of all ranks. World-Class mentoring is also always voluntary for both the mentor and mentee/proteges. Because most agencies don't have a mentoring program at all, we believe that some mentoring is better than no mentoring so an Above Average program would have mentoring for some positions but not all, and at its best an Average program would provide some mentoring but be disorganized and sporadic.How would you rate your agency's Employee Mentoring Program?* How would you rate your agency's Employee Mentoring Program?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassWellness Program and Educational ServicesThe primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it. Wellness refers to an overall balance of a person’s physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social, financial and occupational well-being. A World-Class Wellness Program would have paid, on-site, professionally certified staff who work to improve the quality of life, increase job performance, and satisfaction, of all the organizations employees. This World-Class system would have educational services that inform, encourage and assist employees in building a healthier lifestyle. Programming would include a spectrum of targeted initiatives covering job-specific exercise plans, diet, hydration and nutritional education, stress-management, and would have on-going connections to all the other agency support systems. According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police "Law enforcement officers have a greater morbidity and mortality rate than the general population. In fact, the risk of experiencing a heart attack doubles with each decade of law enforcement service", therefore a World-Class Wellness Program would work to regularly educate all personnel about, and detect, the precursors of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Trainings and educational programing would occur at least monthly. An Above Average Wellness Program might not be as robust but would still have paid staff or outside contractors who work with the employees to plan for their wellness, and operate a system with activities, resources, educational programming and training to assist employees enhance their well-being and job performance. An Average Wellness Program would have literature and posters promoting wellness and may have occasional educational sessions organized by outside organizations like hospitals, clinics and fitness clubs.How would you rate your agency's Wellness Program and Educational Services?* How would you rate your agency's Wellness Program and Educational Services?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassPositive Organizational Culture of WellnessA World-Class Positive Organizational Culture of Wellness would focus on developing and maintaining both a Healthy Culture and a Culture of Wellness. A Healthy Culture prioritizes the concepts of transparency, fairness, impartiality, giving voice, cooperative problem-solving, trust and mutual respect to build a positive, high-performance, service-oriented, working environment. A Healthy Culture has clarity of mission, a shared vision and values, and cohesive leadership that prioritize the health and wellness of people. A Culture of Wellness is one of teamwork that focuses on positive and healthy behaviors and provides and encourages support for its people. A World-Class Positive Organizational Culture of Wellness has regular, direct, communication from executive leaders on major issues and decisions that impact the organization and offers annual training on the key priorities of the organizations vision, mission and goals and the importance of maintaining a Healthy Culture. A World-Class Organizational Culture will prohibit bullying behaviors and have policies detailing standards of conduct as well as prohibiting retaliatory conduct by employees. A World-Class Positive Organizational Culture of Wellness supports a teamwork-oriented process that makes it safe for employees to ask for help when they need it, and before it's too late. An Above Average Organizational Culture of Wellness aspires to be world-class and regularly works to promote and communicate the importance of teamwork, cooperation and integrity while supporting the wellness of those we service and those we work with. No bullying is tolerated by supervisors as well as line-level employees. An Average Organizational Culture of Wellness is perhaps working on a positive organizational culture but doesn't have the people focused wellness component or is focused on the wellness of people without recognizing the power of having a healthy organizational culture to influence the overall well-being of its people. The organizational vision and mission are not clear, nor reinforced, and negative and bullying behaviors may still be present.How would you rate your agency's Positive Culture of Wellness?* How would you rate your agency's Positive Culture of Wellness?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassFamily Support NetworkA World-Class program would be one that connects with the families of new hires before they begin work, or before the academy, and continues beyond retirement. A World-Class family support network is just that - a network and provides communications and educational opportunities to immediate family members of employees on a regular basis. A World-Class program might also be so well organized that family members who have been trained might provide volunteer services for the organization during emergencies, natural disasters or positive community events. A World-Class program might have a special Family Academy just like the more common Citizen's Police Academy, but this one would be limited to only family members. An Above Average program organizes training and events for families and provides some regular communications but isn't involving the family members in any mutually beneficial activities that engage them with, and provide service to, the organization. An Average Family Support program would only provide occasional communications, perhaps an annual picnic, but minimal involvement, nor interaction with the organization, on a regular basis.How would you rate your agency’s Family Support Network?* How would you rate your agency’s Family Support Network?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassEmployee Suicide Prevention Training & TrackingProgressive, twenty-first century, law enforcement agencies recognize that employee suicide prevention programing with some type of tracking mechanism is critical at this time in our profession's history. A World-Class Employee Suicide Prevention & Tracking program would ensure that regular discussions on the topic occurred at rollcalls and staff meetings. Those sessions would be one part of a larger program that included presentations of information and current law enforcement suicide statistics. A World-Class program would include all employees, not just sworn officers and might host guest lecturers from psychological services, chaplain services, EAP, a local university, medical personnel, suicide survivors or surviving family members etc. Suicide prevention would be a regular action item for the agency wellness program and would include the promotion of an outside anonymous crisis hotline so all employees, and their family members could access help anonymously when needed. This program would incorporate training programs, email newsletters and wall posters. A World-Class program would also add employee suicides into organizational tracking mechanisms along with line-of-duty deaths (LODDs). An Above Average Employee Suicide Prevention program would involve Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselors with peer support and chaplains in quarterly discussion/training sessions and utilize an anonymous crisis hotline and perhaps have rotating rollcall and staff meeting training topics that include suicide prevention at least quarterly. Finally, an Average Employee Suicide Prevention program would incorporate the suicide prevention topic in once a year training along with other wellness issues.How would you rate your system for Employee Suicide Prevention Training & Tracking?* How would you rate your system for Employee Suicide Prevention Training & Tracking?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassAnnual Resilience Training & EducationA World-Class Resilience Training & Education program would blend the concepts of comprehensive wellness and resilience into every facet of departmental operations and policy and would reinforce those standards with regular and specific resilience training & education classes. Wellness would be an integral part of the organizational culture and leadership strategies and would be available to all employees even after retirement. An Above Average Resilience Training & Education program would be wellness oriented and re-enforced by all facets of leadership and operations, from hiring thru retirement, and would provide at least annual resilience refresher training to all employees. An Average Resilience Training & Education program would provide some type of resilience training, blended into other training, to all employees at least once a year.How would you rate your agency's program of Annual Resilience Training & Education?* How would you rate your agency's program of Annual Resilience Training & Education?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassEarly Warning System (EWS) or Early Intervention System (EIS)The goal of the EIS is to assist the employee in reaching their full potential by using data to identify performance trends worthy of review. This could include both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. An EIS is intended to be a tool to enhance supervision and should not be construed as taking the place of effective supervision of employees. A world class organizational EWS/EIS program would have the means to assess failing employee performance BEFORE behaviors became critical and have a system in place to do appropriate interventions to correct and improve the employee's wellness and job performance. A World-Class EWS/EIS program would be covered by a specific department policy and set of procedures as well as specifically assigning the task of maintaining the program to a Professional Standards Unit or appropriate section, with a budget, data processing resources and time to adequately administer a comprehensive program. The World-Class program would have identified behaviors for tracking and implemented specific procedures to initiate when certain thresholds are met. The World-Class EWS/EIS program would have as its primary focus, employee wellness and resilience. A World-Class program would have regular discussions included in wellness programing to normalize the EIS/EWS processes and reduce stigma, focusing on sustaining people not disciplining, nor firing them. An Above Average EWS/EIS program may have outlined intervention procedures in circumstances where the employee’s behavior may have negative consequences for the employee, coworkers, the agency, and/or the general public but may not have all the appropriate data management and record keeping systems in place to support good documentation and improved supervision. Finally, An Average EIS/EWS program may recognize that this process serves to improve employee health, promote community-police relations, encourage positive behavior, and reduce public complaints, but may only have an informal system with no specific department policy, nor procedures, in place. Supervisors keep track of unwanted behaviors without any specific criteria, processes, nor centralized database to share information between supervisors.How would you rate your agency's Early Warning System (EWS) or Early Intervention System (EIS)?* How would you rate your agency's Early Warning System (EWS) or Early Intervention System (EIS)?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassProgram for Building "Community" and Mutual TrustA World-Class Program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust would work constantly to build a sense of "community", maintain positive relationships with community members and foster mutual respect and trust. All members of the agency would be encouraged to promote transparency, fairness, impartiality, mutual respect and trust in all of their interactions. Actively giving voice to those, inside and outside the organization, who want to be heard, and participate, would be a priority. Creating a cooperative, problem-solving atmosphere in all encounters would be an ultimate goal. Regular problem-oriented policing activities, initiated by line personnel would be the norm, with two-way involvement, not just "us to them" service, but service that actively involves community leaders in major policing decisions would be expected. A World-Class Program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust would have many resources available for the community on a variety of topics as well as be receiving resources from the community to assist or improve policing. An Above Average Program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust would have an established cooperative, problem-solving system integrated with community leadership and input. The agency would initiate regular problem-oriented policing activities in many neighborhoods and would be involved in many community-led groups that support the various segments of the population like youth, seniors, the homeless, communities of faith etc. An Above Average program would have resources available for the public and would constantly seek the community's support of its programing. An Average Program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust would be demonstrated by members of the law enforcement agency attending occasional community events, when invited, but not initiating any relationship building. There may be one or more "Task Forces" but their work may only involve government and law enforcement personnel but not community members and they do nothing to enhance a sense of community. The agency may assign various staff members to be on committees, but their roles would be primarily ceremonial. An Average program would provide some standard crime prevention brochures in their station lobby but not engage the public in any type of mutual project to build a sense of community, nor develop a bond of trust with community leaders.How would you rate your program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust?* How would you rate your program for Building "Community" and Mutual Trust?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassPreventative Health Services and EducationThe primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it. Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease. A World-Class law enforcement Preventative Health Services program would have a connection with, or be overseen by a Police Physician and would provide employees with regular access to medical and preventative health services, and education, including an annual health screening which may include advanced coronary risk evaluations (for at-risk occupations like law enforcement), fitness evaluations and testing, and would collect anonymous wellness data for the agency to use to predict trends and prescribe prevention tactics. The World-Class law enforcement Preventative Health Services program would coordinate with all the agency's wellness and fitness programs and would arrange health education programing along with printed or digital information and planning resources. An Above Average Preventative Health Services program may have regular health screenings, educational programing and resources but may be run by and outside organization contracted to provide service to the agency without the supervision of a Police Physician. This program may not coordinate with the agency's other wellness programs. An Average law enforcement Preventative Health Services program may provide annual blood pressure checks, blood tests and offer some preventative health brochures but would not be an organized program coordinating with the agency's other wellness initiatives.How would you rate your agency's Preventative Health Services and Education programing?* How would you rate your agency's Preventative Health Services and Education programing?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassDepartmental Fitness ProgramPhysical fitness is paramount to good health and in law enforcement, no matter your job, it is critical to maintaining your overall wellness. A World-Class program would have the facilities and equipment to provide a spectrum of physical development activities, along with having paid and certified fitness staff to support employees in developing and maintaining a workable fitness regime. Some employees may require a certain level of physical fitness for some jobs and that can be ensured with regular compliance oriented physical fitness testing. A reward system could be in place to promote voluntary compliance. An Above Average Fitness Program might organize volunteer fitness trainers assembled from staff members who have sought out recognized fitness training certifications and have on-site facilities within the organization or pay the membership fees for off-site fitness training facilities. An Average Fitness Program would have some mechanism to educate employees and encourage their participation in voluntary physical fitness development. This may include wall charts, suggested fitness plans, books, online courses or video lessons.How would you rate your agency's Fitness Program?* How would you rate your agency's Fitness Program?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassWellness Education/Information System - Learning Lab, Resource Library, Mobile AppDeveloping comprehensive human fitness is about having the systems, facilities, staff and programs available to help all employees, no matter their current level of wellness. One component of that overall, comprehensive system would include the mechanisms for people to learn more about wellness within their own schedule and at their own pace. Not everyone wants, or needs, personal coaching but rather prefer to learn and explore at their own pace, so an organization with a World-Class Wellness Program would have some sort of wellness resource library or learning lab that would encourage employees to explore and enhance their own wellness. This may include a mobile App for smart phones supported by physical and online resources to allow employees to learn new resilience skills and develop their own health and wellness plan. This might include wall posters, pre-prepared diet and fitness routines, books, online resources or video lessons. Even without and App the bulk of these materials could be assembled in convenient locations accessible to all employees 24 hours a day and would have a system for employees to check out or download materials for study at home. An Above Average Wellness Education/Information System might have a room set aside for the research and study of wellness issues and an Average Wellness Education/Information System might have a shelf or bulletin board in break rooms or lunchrooms with information dedicated to encourage health activities, proper diet and resilience building techniques.How would you rate your agency's Wellness Information System - Learning Lab/Resource Library/App?* How would you rate your agency's Wellness Information System - Learning Lab/Resource Library/App?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassCritical Incident Support SystemCritical Incident Support Systems sometimes called (CISM) programs are focused, specific processes implemented immediately after a major traumatic or challenging situation. This should not be confused with peer support but should work hand in hand with a proactive peer support system. A World-Class Critical Incident Support System would include all 7 of the core components of CISM as recommended by the ICISF, and would utilize a combination of in-house providers and outside experts that are brought together when the agency identifies a major critical incident that impacts a large number, or specific group, of employees. It would work in concert with in-house psychologists, chaplains, proactive peer supporters and agency leadership to develop a response plan and course of action going forward to serve immediate needs as well as the long-term needs of the employees. An Above Average Critical Incident Support System would include all the necessary components as mentioned above but might require more outside assistance than inside support due to the constraints of the agency or its team of providers. If it is not implemented through the agency's EAP program, then those providers would be brought in to be part of the overall debriefing process. An average Critical Incident Support System would utilize experts who are called in from outside the agency to assist as needed due to agency size or manpower constraints, but they may not work with the other facets of the agency's wellness support systems.How would you rate your agency's Critical Incident Support System?* How would you rate your agency's Critical Incident Support System?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassLine of Duty Death (LODD) Prevention TrainingThis is a spectrum of safety training provided by most agencies in compliance with liability prevention, safety and P.O.S.T. requirements and usually includes Motor-Vehicle Operations, Firearms Training and Arrest Control. Most agencies are required to provide these services at least annually. A World-Class LODD Prevention program would recognize that while safety and wellness are not the same, they should be internally tied together in all agency operations and policy. A World-Class program would add to these basic training programs with additional skills training that enhances overall employee resilience and promotes exemplary performance, with decision-making drills, reaction time stimulators and problem-solving challenges. An Above Average LODD Prevention program would reinforce how building and maintaining employee resilience can enhance physical conditioning, decision-making, situational awareness, memory, communication skills, mental flexibility, problem anticipation and problem-solving skills as well as improving focus, all of which will benefit every area of employee performance. These things would be discussed as part of all prevention training and those skills will be mentioned in all other areas of organizational training. An Average Line of Duty Death Prevention program would only meet the minimum P.O.S.T. requirements and teach motor-vehicle operations, firearms training and arrest control. once a year.How would you rate your agency's Line of Duty Death prevention training?* How would you rate your agency's Line of Duty Death prevention training?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassSurvivor Support SystemA World-Class Survivor Support program works to ensure support and assistance for the surviving family members of employees killed in the line of duty, the family of employees who complete suicides and even perhaps the family of those employees who died off duty. This support and assistance would last for as long as that support is needed. A World-Class program has a pre-planned and organized system, with a Line of Duty Death (LODD) policy and an Employee Suicide policy listing all necessary procedures. Those policies would include specific procedures about making compassionate and timely death notifications and how they would initiate a system to designate an agency liaison for each surviving family. A World-Class Survivor Support program would have established relationships, before they are needed, with outside organizations who provide education and services to assist your agency, like Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), Fallen Hero Foundations, Blue H.E.L.P., Survivors of Blue Suicide Foundation (SBS) etc. These organizations would assist in developing specific procedures like designating a specific person to prepare the Public Safety Officer Benefit (PSOB) program application following a LODD; designating a specific person to prepare the Workers Compensation application following a LODD; designated family liaison and family escort officers for attendance at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial ceremony in Washington D.C. The agency would stay in touch with all survivors and involve survivors in on-going agency activities and communications. An Above Average Survivor Support program would have a death notification policy and procedure and a system to activate agency support resources for surviving family members immediately upon notice of a death. They would also designate an agency liaison for each family to guide them. An Average Survivor Support program would have some systems in place but may not have made all the preparations or arrangements and might be caught off guard if an unexpected death were to occur.How would you rate your agency's Survivor Support System?* How would you rate your agency's Survivor Support System?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassSeparation Supporting On-going Wellness ActivitiesEven retired employee's well-being has an impact on an organization and its budget. A World-Class Wellness Program has a retirement/separation process that supports on-going wellness activities and encourages those employees to continue using the health and wellness services provided by the organization or some similar system. This program would maintain contact with separated employees and assist them in tracking and maintaining their well-being. Former employees could be involved in all agency wellness activities as retirees. An Above Average program would invite former employees to participate in all agency wellness activities as retirees but wouldn't be as active in encouraging that, nor would the program help retirees track their wellness activities. An Average program would allow former employees to participate in some agency wellness activities as retirees, but no information would be tracked and there may be some fees involved in participation.How would you rate your agency's Separation System That Supports On-going Wellness Activities?* How would you rate your agency's Separation System That Supports On-going Wellness Activities?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassLong-term Health and Wellness TrackingData collection and tracking have been part of the history of law enforcement since the very beginning, but we haven't done a very good job of tracking data about our people and their performance. If you believe in evidence-based policing then you should believe that it's in our best interest to learn more, and track data, about our people's wellness. In addition to supporting on-going wellness activities a World-Class wellness program would have an established set of industry-appropriate standardized data points to track and maintain key information on every employee's long-term health and wellness status and utilize that data to inform and focus, current and future organizational wellness programming. An Above Average Long-term Health and Wellness Tracking program may have chosen a few of these items to track: blood pressure, BMI, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, levels of depression & anxiety, wellness program utilization, sick days used, work-life balance, smoking cessation, following meal plans or nutritional guidelines, stress management activities, and whether the employee is using a device to measure activity and wellness status. An Average Long-term Health and Wellness Tracking program may not have set wellness standards about what metrics to track but are focusing on organizational ROI for the wellness program including: employee absenteeism, medical claims costs, employee insurance costs, disability claims and worker’s compensation claims. This program may have asked what employees believe about their current state of health and wellness to be rechecked again later.How would you rate your agency's System for Long-term Health and Wellness Tracking?* How would you rate your agency's System for Long-term Health and Wellness Tracking?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassEmployee Recovery Case ManagementAn effective employee wellness program believes that health and wellness are a priority and all focus is on nurturing and sustaining wellness. If that fails, focus turns to returning the employee to full fitness for duty. The focus of an Employee Recovery Case Management program is on recovery. In medical circles, case management is a focused and collaborative process that facilitates the recommended treatment plans for employees to assure that they are receiving appropriate psychological or medical care if they are unwell or struggling with their health or wellness. The process is usually facilitated by independent advocates whose primary objective is the recovery of well-being by the individual and their family. A World-Class Employee Recovery Case Management program would have In-house advocates, perhaps trained members of the wellness staff to follow and monitor the progress of treatment and recovery for employees needing extra help. This program would stay connected to the medical, fitness and wellness programs and other support systems working with the employee as appropriate. A World-Class Employee Recovery Case Management program would be overseen by a provider who has received a Case Manager Certification from a recognized certifying organization and is connected to the Early Warning System (EWS) or Early Intervention System (EIS) of the agency. The program and its providers would help in the creation of an Employee Recovery Plan in collaboration with personal physicians and all the other agency support systems as appropriate within applicable privacy and confidentiality laws. An Above Average Employee Recovery Case Management program would involve external patient advocates in collaboration with personal physicians and agency support systems as appropriate to adhere to privacy and confidentiality laws in the execution of an Employee Recovery Plan. Supervisors may be tasked with maintaining and supporting a recovery to work plan. An Average Employee Recovery Case Management program would have supervisors tasked with assessing if someone is fit for a return to work or duty. An Average program would have no connection with other agency support systems and would not have any advocates nor formal recovery plans.How would you rate your agency's Employee Recovery Case Management System?* How would you rate your agency's Employee Recovery Case Management System?*Non-existentPoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageWorld ClassWhat one wellness program, whether mentioned or not, should your agency be most proud of? What one wellness program, whether mentioned or not, should your agency be most proud of?What one wellness initiative, that was not mentioned, would you like to see added to your agency? What one wellness initiative, that was not mentioned, would you like to see added to your agency?Question QuestionOption 1