Recommendations on Support, Training & Services Available
- Create and Maintain Individual & Family Wellness and Resilience
- Cultivate a Positive Organizational Culture of Wellness
- Cultivate a Positive Community Culture of Wellness
- Build the Necessary Wellness Support Systems
- Promote Wellness Leadership
- Foster Community Health & Resilience to Build Trust and Positive Community Relationships
We also believe that wellness and resilience are symbiotic systems made up of several critical parts that must work in tandem in order for the whole to be effective.
CLICK on sections to the right for additional descriptions of each.
Individual Resilience
Building personal resilience is the foundation of all wellness systems. This would include enhancing the level of resilience for all of your personnel, both sworn and non-sworn as well as their families. Consider physical, mental/cognitive, emotional as well as spiritual fitness. See
Agency Support Systems
Police wellness is not a program but a system, actually a system of systems, and if you don't have the internal support systems to sustain your people, they won't be as resilient and competent as you need them to be! Consider our Armor Your Agency™ training!
Organizational Culture
The culture of a police agency is like the operating system of all of an organizations processes. The behaviors of the people provide all of the input. Is yours running smoothly or are things all gummed up? Consider our True Blue Valor™ training.
Organizational Health & Wellness Leadership
Just as with the people in policing, a law enforcement organization can be healthy or unhealthy and leadership has a lot to do with that. We advocate Wellness Leadership as part of our Wellness Focused Policing initiative at:
Community Trust
Having the trust of your community members, as well as your personnel, is the lifeblood of any law enforcement agency. We recommend building a Wellness Driven Community Policing program to support both your people and THE PEOPLE!